
best saturday evr

today & yesterday were awsome!!!! first of all it started with me going and helping carol unload her groceries and then she called nathan and he came over and we swam for while and then when me and nathan were swimming carol gave my mom and nathan mom a call and we spent the night!!!!! but me and nathan first had spaggetti and theese AWSOME garlic bread stuff and then we had a case of mountain dew and a couple of mounster, then we all watched clover field and uncle buck!!!! they are so funny!!!! then me and nathan were so awake that we listend to his ipod for 3 hours and then it ran out of batteries so we had a crunch contest!!!! its a games where the goal is 2 grab 1 or 2 chips and make the loudest crunch!!!!! we woke carol up because are MAD SKILLZZZ were soooo loud!!!!! Jelouse? OH YEAH!!!! i know u are!!!!
then we finally fell asleep at like 4 am!!!!! then we woke up at like 10. carol made us smoothies for breakfast!!!! THEY WERE DELICIOUSE!!!!! then after we cleaned up and stuff me and nathan mowed my grandpas law, we had soooooo many problms with the stuff.(probably 'cause nathan brings bad luck, jk) but yeah, then after the lawn was done we went to the pool again!!!!!! when we came back we went 2 wamart and bought a couple monster and then we came to my house and had the left over spaggetti!!!!! then me and nathan played Ps2 and watched a movie, after that we played basketball and then his parents came and then carol left after that.:( but it was awsome!!!!! im stilll workin off those monsters and mountain dews!!!!! lol. c u guys l8r!!!

10 unatural comments:

Carol said...

After all the energy drinks and the case of Mountain Dew that you and Nathan drank, I am sure you will be up for a week! Actually, you will probably have a serious CRASH and sleep for a week! (Which would be a nice break for your Mom) LOL!

NANO said...

i actually didnt wake up till 11 today!!!!!!

dominique sambrano said...

sounds like you guys had alot of fun. and no i am not jealous about your "mad skilz" cause they arent that amazing =] hehe

vAdA said...

ya, i agree! and mad skilzzzzzz are WAYYY better than ur guyses!!
WEll, im glad u had fun though. im guessin u 2 are like tight?? lol. well, swimming sounds rele good right now!!! now im jealous of that il admit. lol. jk. well, ttyl.

vAdA said...

oh, i forgot to add that.....GOOD JOB!! That was ur looongest post ever!! Longer than dereks, and sometimes even mine!! keep it up!

dominique sambrano said...

oh i know i dont see how people can write soo much about one thing. now that takes skillz.... well not really .

NANO said...

it rele does take mad skillzzz to write that long!!!!! and why is it only u guyses that are commenting on any of my posts?????? and NO vada!!!! MY SKILLZZZ ARE WAY BETTER THEN URS!!!!!!!!

vAdA said...

Ummm....i BEG to differ!!!....u dont have nearly as many MAD SKILLLZZZZZZZZ as i do!! lol. but seriously......

emmajess said...

sounds it would have been RELE entertaining! too bad i was gone! :( anyways good job on ur long post! :) ttyl! (ps, ur totally right! i'm SOOOO jealous of ur guyses skillzzzzz! YEAHRIGHT!!!)

Pansy said...