
football camp

ok, we al know that that last post wa pretty pathetic!!!! but now its a new subect!!!!!!! this week is fotball camp out at hanford!!!!! im soooo exited about it!!!!! three other guys from my team are ganna be there and itl be a blast!!!!! and carol is ganna be homm within the next couple days!!!!! soooo yeah!!!!!! make sure to look at the poll at the right side!!!!!

4 unatural comments:

dominique sambrano said...

wow sounds like fun.. try not to die like colton will =]

emmajess said...

hope u hav fun! ttyl!

NANO said...

yeah!!!! the first day was a blast!!!!

Carol said...

I'M BACK!!!!! Thanks for missing me so much and thanks for the taffy! ;) I gave Grace a piece of taffy while we were in the car, When I went to get her out of her carseat she had taffy EVERYWHERE! It was such a total MESS but I was the dumb one that gave it to her. She seemed to enjoy the little that she got in her mouth because as I was pulling pieces off he legs and car seat and out of her hair she was opening her mouth like a baby bird waiting for me to put the lost yummies in! =)